October 20, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

10 Top Features You Need In Your Smart Home

10 Top Features You Need In Your Smart Home


Welcome to the connected home. The smart home is a more comfortable and efficient place to live, and can help you save money on utility bills. There are many different types of devices that can make up your smart home, such as thermostats, lights, door locks, video cameras and more. Each of these requires specific features to work properly within your home. While there are hundreds of smart devices available today from dozens of different companies that even include voice-activated assistants like Alexa or Google Home built-in – there are really only ten features you need in order for them all to seamlessly work together:

10 Top Features You Need In Your Smart Home


Wi-Fi is a wireless network that uses radio waves to provide high-speed Internet and network connections. It is the most widely used standard of wireless local area networking (WLAN), with millions of devices supporting it worldwide.

Wi-Fi operates in the 2.4 gigahertz (12 cm) ISM band, which is also used by other common household devices such as microwave ovens, cordless telephones, Bluetooth devices and baby monitors.[1] Other common WLAN standards use different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum: cellular networks use 1 Gigahertz (30 cm), satellite systems use 10 GHz or higher frequencies,[2] while terrestrial broadcast TV channels use 100 MHz – 1000 MHz range[3].

A Smart Hub

A smart hub is an all-in-one device that connects all of your smart home devices, like lights, speakers and thermostats. Smart hubs allow you to control them from one place and make it easier for you to use them with voice commands or an app on your phone.

When choosing a smart hub, there are several things to consider: how many devices you want to connect; whether it has built-in Wi-Fi (or if you need to purchase an additional router); whether it supports Zigbee or Z-Wave connections; if there’s any additional equipment needed for setup such as extra power outlets or cables; how long does it take for set up?

You also want to think about what features are important for you. Do you want Alexa integration? Do you want access via mobile apps? Does the app support multi user accounts so everyone in the house can manage their own settings? Does it have built-in video cameras so anyone outside of the home can view live footage when someone rings the doorbell? The best way find out which ones have these features is by reading reviews online before making your final decision!

Voice Control

Voice control is a popular feature of smart homes. It allows you to control your home’s devices with your voice, from anywhere in the house. It can be used for anything from turning on lights to setting the temperature of your thermostat or even unlocking a door.

Voice control can also be used as an entryway into other areas of your smart home system: if you have voice-activated lights, for example, then saying “Good morning” may automatically turn on all of them as well as adjust their brightness and color accordingly (based on what time of day it is).

Security System

Security systems are a must for smart homes. With the ability to monitor your home, alert you if something is wrong, and control other smart devices, they’re an essential part of any home automation setup.

Security systems can be used to monitor your home and alert you if something is wrong. For example:

  • A security system will tell you when someone has entered or exited through the front door of your house if they have access codes set up on their phones or keys that open it (this requires some extra hardware).
  • If there’s smoke detected by the smoke detector attached to it, then this information will also go straight to your phone so that way even if something happens while sleeping in another room or far away from where it happened at night time; there would still be an early warning before things turn into chaos!

Multi-Room Music Streaming

Multi-Room Audio

If you’re going to spend the money on a smart speaker, make sure it has multi-room audio. This feature allows you to stream music to multiple speakers at the same time and control them with a single remote. It’s also great for playing music in different rooms of the house–just turn on some tunes downstairs while cooking dinner or relax with your favorite tracks upstairs when getting ready for bed!

Remote Access Via Mobile App

  • Mobile apps are a great way to control your home from anywhere.
  • You can use them to turn on lights, adjust the thermostat and check in on your pets.
  • You can even use a mobile app for security system control if you have one installed.

Automated Lighting Controls

Automated lighting controls are a great feature to have in your smart home. With automated lighting controls, you can turn lights on and off remotely, set lighting schedules and even control them based on your location. For example, if you are away from home and need to turn off all lights before leaving for work or coming back after dark then this is possible with a connected system that has automated features.

Smart Thermostats & Sensors

Smart thermostats and sensors are a great way to save money on heating and cooling. Smart thermostats can be programmed to adjust the temperature based on your schedule, so you don’t have to worry about manually adjusting it every time you leave or come home. They also give you information about how much energy has been used by each appliance, which makes it easy for you to find out which ones are costing more than others.

Smart sensors detect when people are present in certain areas of the house so that appliances like lights or televisions will only turn on when someone needs them–saving energy during times when no one is around (like at night).

In addition, smart sensors can tell whether an area is occupied by measuring things like motion or sound levels; this allows them not only turn off appliances but also save money by reducing air conditioning usage during hot summer days when no one is home!

Home Monitoring & Security Cameras

You can watch your home remotely from anywhere with a smart device. All you need is the right app and internet connection, and you’ll be able to check in on what’s happening at home anytime.

  • Home monitoring systems let you view live footage of your property from anywhere in the world through an app on your smartphone or computer.
  • With security cameras installed around the perimeter of your house, there’s no need for guesswork when it comes time for guesswork: You’ll know exactly what happened when someone breaks into one of those windows they shouldn’t have been looking through–or if they were just trying out their new telescope (you never know).

Voice Activation And More!

Voice activation is a great way of controlling your home. Whether you want to turn on the lights, control the thermostat or check what’s in your refrigerator, voice activation makes it easy and convenient.

It’s hard to imagine life without voice-activated devices these days. We rely on them for everything from ordering pizza online to searching for information online or through apps like Google Assistant or Siri (for Apple devices). So why shouldn’t we be able to use our voices when we’re at home?

Voice Activation Is Easy To Set Up And Use!


There are many other features that you can add to your smart home. However, these are some of the most popular ones that we think you should consider when looking for a new system. We hope that our list has helped you narrow down your choices so that now it’s time for us to leave this topic behind and move on to something else!