October 21, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

Green Decorating Tips That Use Less Energy and Save You Money

Green Decorating Tips That Use Less Energy and Save You Money


If you want to live a comfortable life without using as much energy as you do now, you’re not alone. In fact, there are many things you can do to easily cut down on your energy usage and save money in the process. Here are some tips to get started:

Green Decorating Tips That Use Less Energy and Save You Money

Use a programmable thermostat.

A programmable thermostat is a great way to save money and energy. If you’re not familiar with these devices, they allow users to set a schedule for their HVAC systems so that they only run when necessary (and therefore use less electricity). They also enable users to adjust the temperature in their homes based on their needs at any given time of day or night. For example, if you work from home during the day but live alone at night and sleep through most of your heating cycles, then having a programmable thermostat will allow you to lower temperatures in advance of getting out of bed so that when it comes time for some extra warmth in bedtime hours later on there won’t be any need for wasting extra energy heating up an empty space!

Replace your light bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs.

Replace your light bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs.

Lighting is the second biggest energy suck in most homes, so it’s important to use efficient lighting options when possible. One of the easiest ways to do this is by replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones (CFLs). CFLs are more efficient than incandescent bulbs and last longer, so they save you money on both initial cost and energy usage over time. They also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by producing less heat than traditional bulbs, which means less wasted energy from air conditioning or heating systems trying to cool down your house in summertime!

If you want even more savings from switching out those old lights, consider investing in LED lights instead of CFLs–they’re even better at saving energy while still providing plenty of brightness for any room in your home

Install energy-efficient windows and doors.

If you’re looking to save money on your energy bill, look no further than your windows and doors. Energy-efficient windows can help reduce the amount of heat lost in winter and summer. Energy Star rated doors are also great for keeping cool air in during hot months or keeping warm air out during cold ones. If you have older windows in your home, consider replacing them with new ones that are more efficient (and less likely to break!). When choosing new windows or doors, look for those with a high SHGC rating–this stands for Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and measures how much of the sun’s radiant heat passes through it into your home. When shopping around online for these products (like at Lowe’s), try searching by U-value instead–this measures thermal conductivity by calculating how much heat passes through one square foot of material over 1 hour when exposed at an angle equal to 90 degrees from horizontal plane under controlled conditions specified by ASTM E 614-93 Standard Test Method for Measuring Air Infiltration Through Exterior Walls Using Portable Housings That Have Differential Pressure Sensors Located At The Base Of Each Housing Wall Which Is Connected Via An Opening In Its Top Face With Another Housing Having No Opening But Equipped With Equalized Ports For Connection Of Their Respective Sensors To A Combination Thermometer And Recording Device That Has Been Calibrated Against Known Standards For Accuracy And Reproducibility

Add weather stripping to windows and doors.

Weather stripping is a simple, inexpensive way to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It can be used around doors and windows, or even electrical outlets.

The best time to add weather stripping is when you’re doing other renovations or repairs on those areas of your house. The work will go quickly because you’ve already removed drywall or trim from the area where you want to install it–there’s no need for any additional demolition!

If you have older windows in your home that don’t have good seals between them and their frames (or if there are gaps around doors), consider adding some foam strips between them so cold air doesn’t seep through into the room during winter months. This will help keep heat inside as well as prevent drafts from coming in through cracks around those openings when temperatures drop outside during fall months after summer ends

Insulate heating and cooling ducts.

Insulating heating and cooling ducts is a great way to save money on your energy bills. When you insulate a duct, you reduce the amount of heat loss through it by trapping air inside the insulation. This can be done in several ways:

  • Replace old ducts with insulated ones. The easiest way is to replace old metal or fiberglass ducts with newer, more efficient models that are already insulated. If this isn’t possible for whatever reason (for example, if your home has older HVAC equipment), then consider wrapping your existing metal or fiberglass insulation with an additional layer of foam board insulation before installing new filters on all registers throughout your home’s ventilation system.* Insulate supply lines passing through unheated spaces such as attics and crawlspaces.* Insulate supply lines passing through heated areas such as garages where cars are parked during winter months.* Insulate supply lines passing through unconditioned areas such as basements without insulation above them

Seal off air leaks around windows, doors, and electrical outlets with caulk or foam insulation.

Air leaks are a major source of energy loss in homes. Seal off air leaks around windows, doors, and electrical outlets with caulk or foam insulation. You can also seal the seams on windows and doors by adding weather stripping to them.

Buy a programmable dehumidifier to save on energy costs in the summer months. It will run when needed and not when it’s not necessary.

If you live in a humid area, a dehumidifier is a good idea. Dehumidifiers can be expensive and energy efficient, but they also save you money on your electric bill. A programmable dehumidifier will only run when needed to remove moisture from the air and keep it from getting too hot inside your house.

It’s possible to live a comfortable life without using as much energy as you do now without sacrificing comfort or style

The good news is that it’s possible to live a comfortable life without using as much energy as you do now without sacrificing comfort or style. You just have to be willing to make some changes and open your mind up to different ideas.

Here are some ways you can reduce your energy consumption:

  • Turn off lights when they’re not in use. This may seem obvious, but many people leave their lights on all day long–even when no one’s home! Just turning off the light switch when leaving a room or going out of town will save money on your electric bill every month (and help prevent fires). If this seems like too much work, try setting timers for lamps so they go off automatically after certain amounts of time; this makes it easier for everyone in the house without requiring extra effort from anyone!
  • Keep appliances clean by unplugging them before cleaning them with soap/water; this prevents dust build-up inside which reduces friction between parts leading towards premature failure due to increased heat generation due to friction between internal components). Also remember not always need full capacity machines such as clothes dryers – hang drying clothes outside summer months helps reduce wear & tear from frequent washing cycles while also helping reduce carbon footprint overall.”


We understand that making the switch to green isn’t always easy, but once you get started on the right path, it’s much easier to keep going. And we think that these tips will help you get started on your way!