October 20, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

How I Helped Create Aesthetics Home Design

How I Helped Create Aesthetics Home Design


I’ve been in the design world for a long time, and I think I have a pretty good handle on what kinds of things people like. But even though I know what looks good, it’s much more difficult to figure out how to bring that aesthetic into my own home. In this post, I’ll share some tips on how you can do just that!

How I Helped Create Aesthetics Home Design

How I Helped Create Aesthetics Home Design

I’ve always been interested in design, so I was happy to help out my friend with her new company. She had a vision for Aesthetics Home Design, but didn’t know how to get it off the ground. I helped with everything from branding and marketing materials through to interior design advice and even some basic coding.

My favorite part of this project was working on the website itself–it’s clean, straightforward and easy for customers to use! My goal was always for people who visited the site (and eventually purchased products) would feel like they could trust us as professionals with their home improvement needs.

The first step of the process was to identify what I liked about each room.

The first step of the process was to identify what I liked about each room. I took a few hours and walked through each space, looking for elements that were working well and that I wanted to keep. This was especially important because it allowed me to see which pieces I loved, but also how they worked together as a whole. For example, if there was a piece that had great lines but clashed with the other furniture in the room (like an orangey-red couch), then it would need to be replaced before we could move forward with our design plan.

Once you’ve identified what works well in your space, take note of anything else you don’t like as much–this will help determine what changes need to happen next!

I then went through every room in my home individually, and tried to figure out where I could improve on the aesthetics.

I then went through every room in my home individually, and tried to figure out where I could improve on the aesthetics. The first step was identifying what I liked about each space before looking into ways of improving it. This can be as simple as noticing that you love the color scheme of one room or another, or maybe even how a particular piece of furniture fits into your home’s design scheme (and whether or not it needs to).

After figuring out what needs improving, I looked at ways of incorporating all these ideas into one cohesive space without it looking like a hodgepodge of different styles–which would make for an aesthetically pleasing space that didn’t reflect who I am as an individual. In other words: so important!

Where there are elements of a room that you love, you have to figure out why you love them, and whether they can be incorporated into the new design.

I love the color scheme in this room. The blues and greens are so calming, but they also have enough contrast to make them interesting.

The built-in bookshelves are a great idea because they provide storage while also making the room feel bigger and more open. The table lamp adds another layer of light, which is important because natural light can be lacking in basements (especially if yours has no windows).

I think it would be easy for me to create an aesthetic like this one for my home office space if I had these elements in mind: blue walls, green plants/furniture pieces, white furniture with gold accents (to match the trim)

The hardest part is figuring out how to get all these ideas into one cohesive space without it looking like a hodgepodge of different styles.

The hardest part is figuring out how to get all these ideas into one cohesive space without it looking like a hodgepodge of different styles.

This can be especially difficult if you’re working on a small budget and don’t have access to professional designers, but there are some ways to make sure that your design is still cohesive despite its limitations. The first step is figuring out what kind of aesthetic or theme you want in your room: Do you want it to be modern? Traditional? Rustic? Eclectic? Once you’ve chosen an overall vibe, think about how each piece will contribute towards achieving that goal–and try not to mix too many different kinds of furniture together!

It’s so important that your aesthetic reflect who you are as an individual, because then it’ll be something that makes you happy every day.

It’s so important that your aesthetic reflect who you are as an individual, because then it’ll be something that makes you happy every day.

If you’re someone who loves bright colors and bold patterns, then perhaps a brightly colored rug or wall art will do the trick. If on the other hand, you prefer more subdued tones and simple shapes, perhaps some neutral furniture pieces would work better for your space. Whatever style of home design appeals to your tastes best should be reflected in all aspects of its design–from flooring up through furnishings down (and sometimes even out).

With this in mind I created Aesthetics Home Design–a company dedicated to helping people create their ideal space by blending their personal tastes with professional expertise from an interior designer and contractor team like no other!

There are ways to create an aesthetic in your home that is comfortable for you and reflects your personality

There are ways to create an aesthetic in your home that is comfortable for you and reflects your personality. By identifying what you like about each room, and then figuring out how to incorporate those elements into the new design, it’s possible to create a space that feels like home.


The most important thing to remember is that your home should reflect who you are as an individual. By taking the time to figure out what you love and why, it’ll be easier to create an aesthetic that makes you happy every day