October 20, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

I Stripped My Outdoors Furniture With Vinegar

I Stripped My Outdoors Furniture With Vinegar


I love my outdoor furniture. It’s been in my family for years and has stood up to many seasons of use. I inherited it from my parents, so it has a lot of sentimental value for me. However, there were some problems with the finish on one table and chairs that needed to be fixed before I’d ever be able to use them outside again. The wood was peeling off in places and looked like it needed refinished anyway so I decided to strip the finish with vinegar rather than pay for professional help.

I Stripped My Outdoors Furniture With Vinegar

I had a table and chairs that I’d inherited from my parents.

I had a table and chairs that I’d inherited from my parents. They were in bad shape, and had been sitting in their garage for years. The finish was peeling off, so I decided to strip the finish with vinegar rather than pay for professional help.

They were in pretty bad shape when I got them.

They were in pretty bad shape when I got them. They had been stored away for years, and the stain on them was very difficult to remove.

The finish was peeling off in places, and it looked like the base needed to be refinished.

The finish was peeling off in places, and it looked like the base needed to be refinished. I think this is because the wood underneath had been exposed to the elements for so long, causing it to dry out and warp. This made it more susceptible to water damage and cracking over time.

I decided to strip the finish with vinegar rather than pay for professional help.

You might be wondering why I decided to strip the finish with vinegar rather than pay for professional help. The cost of professional stripping can be steep, especially if you have a lot of furniture that needs to be stripped. You may also not want to wait weeks or even months for them to complete their work, which can happen when you go that route.

So how long did it take me? About four hours! And I didn’t have any major issues with damaging my wood or staining it while doing so. I was able to keep my costs down because I already had vinegar on hand in my kitchen cabinet (you can also buy it at most grocery stores), and since I wasn’t using any sort of chemical stripper or abrasive material like steel wool pads or sandpaper (which would likely cause more damage than good), there was no need for protective gear besides gloves and safety glasses/goggles when using lacquer thinner later on during this project

Vinegar can be used as a stripper to dissolve finishes and also as a cleaning agent for various surfaces around the house.

Vinegar can be used as a stripper to dissolve finishes and also as a cleaning agent for various surfaces around the house. Vinegar is a natural cleaner, it’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and has disinfectant properties. It also works well at removing mineral deposits from faucets, sinks and tubs while leaving behind no soap scum residue behind.

You can use it to clean windows and glass surfaces, wash floors, clean countertops and even whiten light fixtures.

You can use it to clean windows and glass surfaces, wash floors, clean countertops and even whiten light fixtures. Vinegar has been used as a cleaning agent for centuries because of its mild acidity that helps dissolve dirt and grime. The acetic acid in vinegar helps eliminate bacteria on contact while leaving behind no residue behind.

Vinegar is also an effective deodorizer because it contains acetic acid which is a natural bacterial killer that gets rid of odors by killing off the germs causing them!

You can use vinegar around your house to strip furniture!

Vinegar is a multipurpose cleaning agent that can be used on everything from laundry to floors. It’s an acid, so it will remove paint, varnish and other finishes from wood without damaging the wood underneath. Vinegar is also a safe product to use around your home; it’s natural and environmentally friendly!

If you want to strip your outdoor furniture with vinegar:

1 – Mix two tablespoons of white distilled vinegar with one gallon of warm water in a bucket large enough to hold all of your pieces of furniture at once (this will prevent them from becoming stained by splashing).

2 – Submerge each piece of furniture in this solution for about 20 minutes before wiping off excess liquid with old towels or rags; do not allow any residue left behind as this could damage future treatments applied to your furniture later on down the line (such as painting).


I was very happy with the results. My table and chairs now look like new, and I didn’t have to spend any money on professional help or expensive new furniture. If you’re looking for a way to strip your own furniture with vinegar, this is definitely one option!