October 19, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

Photos of My Home Exterior and How I Landscape It

Photos of My Home Exterior and How I Landscape It


I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I love gardening. It’s one of my favorite hobbies and I especially love landscaping my home exterior. If you’re like me and enjoy being outside and creating beautiful outdoor spaces, then this article is for you! We’ll walk through how I designed the garden on my patio and what you can do to make your own outdoor oasis (whether it be inside or out).

Photos of My Home Exterior and How I Landscape It

I love using flowers in my landscape design.

I love using flowers in my landscape design. They are a great way to add color and texture to your yard, especially if you don’t have a lot of time or money for other landscaping projects. Here are some ways I use flowers:

  • Ground cover–Flowers can be planted under bushes or trees so that they grow up through them, creating a nice border between your yard and the rest of the world! This is especially useful when you don’t want people walking through your front yard because it’s private property (or maybe just because they’re mean).
  • Border–A border is an area where one type of plant grows around another type of plant; this makes it look more organized than if everything was just randomly placed throughout your front yard/backyard/side porch/etcetera…and it also helps prevent weeds from coming up since there won’t be enough sunlight getting through all those leaves at once (or whatever else might happen if they weren’t there).

My favorite plants to use are lavender and rosemary.

I love to use lavender and rosemary in my landscape design. Both of these plants are drought tolerant, which means that they don’t require much water to survive. Lavender also smells great, so it’s perfect for adding fragrance to your yard! Rosemary is another herb that I love using in my garden because it’s easy to grow and can be used in cooking (I like roasting chicken with rosemary).

I like to keep my landscaping simple, but with a touch of whimsy.

I like to keep things simple, but with a touch of whimsy. I want my garden to be easy to maintain and have lots of color and texture in it. I also prefer native plants over exotic ones because they’re more likely to thrive in my area’s soil and climate conditions.

One of my favorite things to do is create a little sitting area where I can read and relax on the patio.

One of my favorite things to do is create a little sitting area where I can read and relax on the patio. To do this, I add a bench or chair, as well as a table or stool. Then I add some plants and flowers to add color!

Creating an outdoor space that looks beautiful and makes you happy is a great way to turn your home exterior into a place you want to spend time in!

As a homeowner, you want your home exterior to look beautiful and make you happy. Creating an outdoor space that does both is easy when you follow these simple steps:

  • Decide what makes you happy. Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? If so, what activities do you like doing there? Is it gardening or relaxing with family and friends? Maybe it’s working out in the yard or tending to the garden–whatever it is, this is where all good landscaping starts!
  • Choose plants based on their needs instead of yours. You may have heard the phrase “grow what grows best” before but this applies especially well when creating an outdoor space with limited sunlight (or no sunlight at all). In order for plants to thrive they need plenty of water but also drainage from rainwater runoff during heavy storms; additionally some varieties require more sun than others depending on their native habitat and growing season length which means knowing exactly what kind of environment each species prefers will help determine whether or not it can survive in certain areas within our climate zone(s).


I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about my home exterior and how I landscape it! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

705 words•3922 characters •9th and 10th grade


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Photos of My Home Exterior and How I Landscape It