October 22, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

5 Tips For Finding Feng Shui-Appropriate Home Furniture

5 Tips For Finding Feng Shui-Appropriate Home Furniture


As someone who has dabbled in Feng Shui for years, I can attest to the power of arranging your home in harmony with this ancient art. There’s something about moving into a space that feels like it was designed specifically for you—and then living there for years and years—that makes it hard to imagine ever leaving! That said, if you don’t know much about Feng Shui or how its principles play out in everyday life, it can be hard to create such a harmonious space. Luckily, I’m here today with five tips on finding furniture that’s right for your home’s energy flow (plus one bonus tip!).

5 Tips For Finding Feng Shui-Appropriate Home Furniture

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging a home to bring harmony to your life, considers furniture placement key to creating a space that welcomes positive energy into your life.

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging a home to bring harmony to your life, considers furniture placement key to creating a space that welcomes positive energy into your life. Feng Shui principles are based on the belief that everything has energy, and that a space’s energy can be affected by its layout.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Feng Shui works and how it influences furniture placement in your home (and beyond), check out our guide below!

Before purchasing furniture or decorating your space, consider these five tips for selecting pieces in line with Feng Shui principles.

Feng Shui principles are an ancient Chinese art. They consider furniture placement key to creating a space that welcomes positive energy into your life. Before purchasing furniture or decorating your space, consider these five tips for selecting pieces in line with Feng Shui principles:

  • Avoid placing beds directly in front of doors or windows as this will block the flow of chi (energy) through those areas of your home. Instead, leave at least three feet between them so good fortune can enter through both doors and windows freely without obstruction or disturbance from any obstructions like beds or chairs placed in front of them.
  • Place mirrors opposite each other on either side of doorways so that they bounce back any negative forces coming into your life before they have time to settle within it! This is especially important if you live near high traffic areas where there are lots of people passing through all day long–you’ll want extra protection against their negativity!

Go easy on the color red.

Red is a powerful color, so you should use it sparingly. Red represents the fire element and is associated with energy and passion. The south sector of your home or office has strong ties to this element as well, which means that red furniture could be too intense for this space. If you are looking for a piece that’s heavy on reds but still appropriate for other areas of your home, consider getting an accent chair or ottoman instead of an entire sofa set covered in red fabric.

Don’t place large items in front of windows.

Feng Shui principles are based on the energy of the space. Large items like tables, chairs and cabinets can block the flow of chi in a room. This is especially important if you have a window in your bedroom; you want to make sure that it’s not blocked by anything that could disrupt your sleep or cause bad dreams.

Don’t place furniture in front of doors (especially the main entrance).

Don’t place furniture in front of doors (especially the main entrance).

This one is pretty straightforward–and should be common sense for anyone who has ever lived in a house with small children. Furniture should not block the door, because that makes it difficult for people to get in and out. And if someone does manage to squeeze past your couch or table, they’ll probably have trouble finding their way back out again…or at least they’ll make a mess trying!

It’s also important not to place furniture directly in front of doors that are used frequently by everyone (such as bedrooms), because this creates an obstacle between you and your family members when they’re trying to get past you on their way somewhere else in the house. On top of this, placing items directly in front of these doors can create negative energy flow within your home space: if someone bumps into them while walking through an open area such as a living room or kitchenette area where there isn’t much clutter around yet still needs access anyway due  to frequent use by multiple people throughout each day then chances are good those collisions will happen more often than usual due .

Don’t place anything above your bed.

  • The bed should be the focal point of the room.
  • It should be high enough that you can see out of your window and low enough that you can see who’s at your door.
  • Don’t place anything above your bed–no cabinets or shelves, no lamps, nothing! This is where feng shui gets really serious: if you have something up there that blocks out any natural light from coming through (or worse yet blocks their view), then guess what happens? You’ll have bad dreams! There are theories about why this happens, but I’m not going into them here; just trust me when I say it’s bad news bears if any part of your home has blocked views or sunlight coming into it.

Keep clutter at bay by only purchasing what you need, and don’t buy more than one piece of each type of item (such as chairs or lamps).

  • Don’t buy more than you need.
  • Don’t buy items that don’t fit your space or don’t have room for them to be put away properly, like lamps and artwork.
  • Keep clutter at bay by only purchasing what you need, and don’t buy more than one piece of each type of item (such as chairs or lamps).

By considering Feng Shui principles when shopping for furniture, you can create a space that has optimal balance between its elements and brings you joy every day!

Feng Shui is an ancient art that aims to bring harmony to your life. It’s based on the idea that there is a flow of energy through our homes, which can be influenced by the placement of furniture, colors and even our thoughts.

By considering Feng Shui principles when shopping for furniture, you can create a space that has optimal balance between its elements and brings you joy every day!


We hope that these tips have given you some insight into how to create a Feng Shui-friendly home. Remember, there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to Feng Shui furniture–it’s all about finding what works best for you and your space!