October 22, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

How To Landscape A House

How To Landscape A House


The landscaping of your home is often the first thing people notice when they walk up to your house. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in mind before you begin any work on your yard. In this article we will discuss how to landscape a house and cover everything from determining the area you want to landscape, planning the design of your garden and choosing plants for your new landscape.

How To Landscape A House

Determine the area you want to landscape.

  • Determine the area you want to landscape.
  • Look at the size of your house and property, as well as how much lawn you want removed and added.

Plan the design of your garden.

The first step to creating a beautiful garden is to plan the design of your garden.

  • Decide on the overall look you want. Do you want it to be formal or informal? Do you want it to be symmetrical, or more natural? Will there be any special features such as raised beds for vegetables or herbs, or a water feature such as a pond or fountain?
  • Plan the layout of your garden space so that everything fits in nicely and looks balanced from all angles (this is known as “axial symmetry”). This can be done either by drawing up plans using graph paper before purchasing any plants, materials or tools; or by simply marking out an area with string when making final decisions on where each element will go later on in construction phase – whichever method works best for you!
  • Select plants that will grow well in your climate zone…

Consider the size of your house and property.

The first thing to consider is the size of your house and property. If you’re building a new home or adding on a room, it’s important to have an idea of what kind of landscape design will work best for the space. The second thing is budget–how much money do you want to spend? Thirdly, consider how many people are living in the house; this includes pets too! The last thing to think about is whether or not there will be children around who may need supervision while playing outside during certain hours (i.e., during sunrise/sunset).

Select plants.

Selecting plants for your new garden is the most important step of the process. There are many factors to consider when choosing plants, but before we get into those details, let’s talk about why native plants are so great.

Native plants are adapted to your region’s climate, soil and drainage conditions–and they’re better at surviving than non-natives. Plus, by choosing local species (or even growing your own seeds), you’ll be helping preserve biodiversity in your area!

Now that we’ve got our eco-friendly message out of the way: let’s talk about what kind of landscape design styles work best with each type of plant selection strategy.

Figure out how much lawn can you afford to remove?

The first step to figuring out how much lawn you can afford to remove is to take a look at the size of your home and property. If you have a large house, it will be easier for you to remove some of the lawn in order to create an interesting landscape design. However, if you live in a small apartment or condo, then it may not make sense for you to remove any of your existing grassy areas because they are so small already.

One way that many homeowners choose to create more space outside while also improving their home’s curb appeal is by installing decks or patios around their homes instead of putting down new sod on top of existing grassy areas outside their residence. Another option would be building walkways through existing flower beds so visitors can easily navigate through them without having trouble navigating around plants themselves!

Check soil pH levels, sunlight and water drainage.

The pH level of the soil is important to consider because it affects how well your plants will grow. If you have low pH levels, then you will need to add more lime or sulfur, depending on what type of soil you have. This can be done with a soil test kit, which you can buy at most home improvement stores or online.

If your house has good sunlight and drainage but poor drainage due to flooding or hard clay soil, then one way that would work for this situation would be by using raised beds filled with topsoil from another location in order for them not only look nice but also provide better drainage without compromising any space from having large trees planted all around them (which may take up too much room).

Decide on irrigation needs and choose a watering system for your needs.

When it comes to deciding what kind of irrigation system is right for your yard, consider your needs and the type of plants you want to grow. If your lawn is large and flat, a sprinkler system might be best; if it’s small but hilly or sloped, drip irrigation may work better.

Consider how much water you use each year as well as the cost of installing an automatic watering system in comparison to manually watering by hand. If you’re concerned about conserving energy while still maintaining healthy plants and grasses over time, consider investing in solar-powered systems that don’t require electricity from the grid or other sources outside the property itself (although these tend not be as effective). Finally–and perhaps most importantly–consider what kind of soil conditions exist before choosing between different types of irrigation equipment: clay soils require more frequent watering than sandy ones; sandy soils drain more quickly than clay ones; sandy loam mixes are somewhere between these two extremes but offer benefits from both sides!

Plan for sidewalks, patios, decks and driveways if desired.

Walkways, patios and decks are other important elements to a landscape design. If you’re planning on installing these features yourself, consider the size and materials of each option. Walkways can be made from brick pavers or concrete slabs; patios tend to be poured-concrete squares with borders around them; and decks are typically made from wood boards attached together with nails or screws.

Once you’ve selected your walkway material and decided how big you want it to be (measure carefully!), install it according to manufacturer directions: Dig holes for anchor posts if needed; lay down gravel or sand as a base; pour concrete into forms where required; spread topsoil over finished surfaces after they’ve cured completely (this may take several weeks). Maintain these areas by keeping them free of weeds so that they don’t become impassable when they grow back in springtime!

Landscaping is a big job but there are many ways to make it easier!

Landscaping is a big job. There are many ways to make it easier!

  • Landscaping can be done in stages. If you’re not ready to take on the whole yard at once, consider breaking up your landscaping project into smaller chunks that are easier to manage and more affordable. This will give you time to save money for future projects, too!
  • Landscape design is important. It’s vital that homeowners get their input into the design process before any work begins because no one knows better than them what they want out of their landscape design! In fact, collaboration between homeowner and landscaper is essential when creating a new outdoor space


Now that you know how to landscape a house, it’s time to start planning your garden! There are many factors to consider when designing a landscape and this article will help guide you through the process. From determining where on your property you want plants or trees planted; choosing what type of irrigation system will work best for your needs; deciding if sidewalks or patios are needed–there are many decisions involved in creating a beautiful space around your home. But don’t worry, we’re here with tips from experts who have been through it all before so they know what works best when planning gardens (and other projects).