October 19, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

How To Save Time With Your Smart Home

How To Save Time With Your Smart Home


When I’m not working, I like to spend my time being productive. The only problem is that I don’t have the time (or interest) to do everything I want to do in one day. That’s why I love smart home technology: it can save me time by automating common tasks and helping me get things done faster. By setting up your smart home devices with automation software like Stringify or Alexa Routines, you can make your life easier without having to think about it too much—and who doesn’t want more free time?

How To Save Time With Your Smart Home

Create a schedule to run your smart home devices.

Using a schedule to run your smart home devices is the easiest way to save time and energy. If you’re not sure where to start, ask yourself these questions:

  • What devices do I want my smart home system to control?
  • When do I want those devices turned on and off? (For example, maybe you’d like your lights turned on at 7 AM every day.)

Once you’ve answered those questions, it’s time to create a routine for when you want your smart home devices turned on or off.

Use automation to save time and money.

Automation can be used to save time and money. For example, if you’re a family of four and each person has their own alarm clock, then automating the process of waking up makes sense. Instead of having to set an alarm for everyone in the house individually (or worse yet, relying on one person to remember everyone else’s alarms), use an automation platform like IFTTT or Stringify to create an ‘if this then that’ rule where your lights turn off at a certain time every morning or when someone walks past their door sensor before bedtime so they know when it’s time for them to go back upstairs. You’ll never have another late night because someone forgot about your alarm again!

There are many other ways automated routines can save both time and money:

  • Automating bill payments saves hours per month keeping track of bills due dates;
  • Automating home security saves money by eliminating false alarms;
  • Automating lighting helps avoid wasting electricity by leaving lights on accidentally while no one is home

Create shortcuts for the things you do often.

A shortcut is a task that you can create to save time. For example, if you have a smart light switch and want to turn on the lights in your kitchen when you get home from work, create a shortcut for this action. Shortcuts can also be used for things like setting up recurring reminders or even creating custom scenes that automate multiple devices at once–they’re totally customizable!

Here are some ideas for shortcuts:

  • Turning off all of your lights when it gets dark outside.
  • Setting up timers so that certain lights turn on at specific times during the day (like turning on outdoor lights at dusk).
  • Creating alarms based around activities like taking out the trash or feeding pets; these could be as simple as having an alert go off when it’s time to do these things or more complex tasks like opening doors automatically after an alarm goes off so owners don’t need help getting inside their homes safely without losing track of keys while rushing back inside after completing tasks outside first thing each morning before leaving again later in day…

Set up notifications for important events.

Notifications are a great way to get an alert whenever your smart home does something that you might want to know about. You can set up notifications for things like:

  • When your door opens or closes
  • When the temperature in a room changes by more than 1 degree
  • When someone comes or goes from one of your home’s entryways

Control your home from anywhere.

For the most part, controlling your smart home can be done on a smartphone app. Some companies also offer voice assistant integration in their apps, allowing you to control your home with just your voice. If you have remote access to your home or security system, then this is even easier!

Smart home technology can help you save time by automating common tasks

Smart home technology is a great way to save time, money, and energy. You can use automation to create shortcuts for the things you do often, like turning on the lights or adjusting the thermostat when you arrive home. You could also set up notifications for important events such as packages arriving or an alarm sounding in another room.

Smart devices even allow you to control your entire home from anywhere with an internet connection! If this sounds appealing but intimidating at first glance–you’re not alone! We’ll walk through some of our favorite ways smart homes can save time so that even beginners can get started today!


In the end, smart home technology can help you save time by automating common tasks. If you’re looking for ways to improve your life and make it easier on yourself, we recommend checking out some of these tips. They might seem simple at first glance, but they have the potential to make a big difference!