October 21, 2024

Cinthia Luse

Innovative Home Designing

Why You Should Get A Smart Thermostat

Why You Should Get A Smart Thermostat


It’s time to start thinking about what your home will look like in five years and how you are going to stay comfortable and maintain your energy efficiency. We’re here to help, with our list of the top reasons why smart thermostats are a necessity for most homeowners:

Why You Should Get A Smart Thermostat

The Nest Learning Thermostat is one of the most popular smart thermostats on the market.

The Nest Learning Thermostat is one of the most popular smart thermostats on the market. It was founded in 2010 by Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers, who both previously worked at Apple. The company was acquired by Google in 2014 for $3.2 billion and now operates under their parent company Alphabet Inc., which also owns Google Fiber and Verily (formerly known as “Google Life Sciences”).

The Nest Learning Thermostat has an overall rating of 4.5 stars on Amazon with over 2,500 reviews written about it! It comes in three different colors: stainless steel or black (both with white displays), or copper (with a brushed metal finish).

If you’re interested in learning more about this product or purchasing one yourself check out our article on how to install a smart thermostat here: https://www/wiredtogrowhouseholds/.

Smart thermostats can save you money by keeping your home at its optimal temperature.

You can use a smart thermostat to save money on your utility bills by keeping your home at its optimal temperature. The Nest Learning Thermostat is able to learn about what temperatures are comfortable for you, which means it will automatically adjust the temperature as needed without any input from you. This saves energy because it won’t be running the air conditioner when no one is home or heating up as much when they are there.

Smart thermostats also have other features that help keep costs down: They have built-in sensors that detect if anyone is in the room (or if there’s motion), so they don’t waste energy heating or cooling rooms with no occupants; they can connect directly with smart plugs that turn off appliances like lamps when nobody’s using them; and some models support voice commands through Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant for easy control even when hands are full!

If this sounds appealing but installing new hardware isn’t something we want to do ourselves (or if our old system isn’t compatible), there are companies like Ecobee who offer installation services where technicians come out at one time during which everything gets replaced from top-down including furnace/air handler(s). This option tends not cost much more than hiring an HVAC technician alone–and often times less depending upon how many units need replacing along with labor rates being higher out west than east coast regions such as New York City where most contractors charge $100+ per hour due high demand among locals wanting work done ASAP before winter hits hard again next year.”

You can control your smart thermostat remotely.

You can control your smart thermostat remotely. That means you can set it to turn on or off when you are away, at home and even while sleeping. Once you have installed a smart thermostat in your home, all of its features will be accessible through an app on your phone–even if that phone is across town or halfway around the world!

Smart thermostats can learn your routines to find ways to save energy.

If you want to save energy and money, a smart thermostat can be a great way to do so. A smart thermostat can learn your routines and use that information to find ways to automatically adjust heating and cooling settings based on when you’re home, away or asleep. This means that instead of heating up your entire house when it’s only one room being used (or cooling down an empty house), the device will optimize its energy efficiency by only heating or cooling those rooms where people actually live or work.

Smart thermostats also tend to have built-in features that allow them to learn your habits over time–and then use this information in order optimize efficiency even further! For example: if someone tends not only come home at different times every day but also uses their kitchen more often than others parts of their home during certain times of year (whether due to cooking or just needing extra warmth), then these details could help determine how much heat needs turned up/down throughout any given day.”

You can create schedules that work for you, rather than being locked into preset heating and cooling times.

You can create schedules that work for you, rather than being locked into preset heating and cooling times. For example, if you’re at work during the day but want your house to be cool when you get home, or vice versa (in case of a hot summer day), then this is possible with a smart thermostat.

You can also set up schedules based on what’s going on in your life–for example:

  • When we’re not home during the weekdays but will be home on weekends and holidays
  • When we have guests or family coming over for dinner

It’s time to start thinking about what your home will look like in five years and how you are going to stay comfortable and maintain your energy efficiency

It’s time to start thinking about what your home will look like in five years and how you are going to stay comfortable and maintain your energy efficiency. It’s also important to consider how much money you can save by making smart choices now. A smart thermostat is a great first step for anyone interested in making their home more efficient and saving money on their utility bills.

Smart thermostats allow you to control the temperature of your home from anywhere with an internet connection, so if it gets too hot or cold while someone is away from home, they can change things up remotely before they get back! These devices learn your routine over time so that they don’t waste energy keeping rooms hot when no one is there–or letting them get too cold when everyone’s sleeping through the night (or watching TV).


We’re excited for you to join the smart thermostat revolution! With so many benefits, it’s clear that these devices are a great investment for your home. Whether you want more control over your heating and cooling or just want to save money on utilities, there are lots of reasons why getting one is worth considering. And if all else fails? Well then at least they look cool on top of being functional!